NEC PC Engine-CD
Retro Home Console
The PC Engine-CD is an add-on for the PC Engine allowing the console to run games from CD-ROMs. It was originally released in North America in 1990, as the Western counterpart to the PC Engine's CD-ROMĀ².
Beyond Shadowgate [US]
Bonk 3 : Bonk's Big Adventure [US]
Camp California [US]
Cosmic Fantasy 2 : Bouken Shounen Ban [US]
Cotton : Fantastic Night Dreams [US]
Dragon Slayer : The Legend of Heroes [US]
Dungeon Explorer II [US]
Dungeon Master : Theron's Quest [US]
Exile : Wicked Phenomenon
Exile [US]
FX Unit Yuki : The Henshin Engine [WOR] (Unl.)
Fighting Street [US]
Final Zone II [JP]
Forgotten Worlds
Gate Of Thunder
Godzilla [US]
Hypernova Blast (Unl.)
Implode (Unl.)
Insanity [US] (Unl.)
It Came From The Desert [US]
J.B. Harold Murder Club
Jack Nicklaus' World Tour Golf [US] (Alt.)
John Madden Duo Cd Football
Loom [JP]
Lords Of The Rising Sun [US]
Lords of Thunder [US]
Magical Dinosaur Tour [US]
Meteor Blaster Dx [US] (Unl.)
Meteor Blaster Dx [US] (Unl.)
Might and Magic III [JP]
Monster Lair [US]
Mysterious Song [US] (Unl.)
Mysterious Song [US] (Unl.)
Pomping world [US]
Prince Of Persia [US]
Red Alert [US]
Revival Chase (Unl.)
Riot Zone [US]
Shadow Of The Beast [US]
Shape Shifter [US]
Sherlock Holmes : Consulting Detective : Vol. I
Sherlock Holmes : Consulting Detective : Vol. II [US]
Sim Earth : The Living Planet
Splash Lake [US]
Super Air Zonk : Rockabilly Paradise
Syd Mead's Terraforming
The Addams Family [US]
The Dynastic Hero [US]
Valis II [JP]
Valis III
Vasteel [JP]
Ys Book I & II [US]
Ys III : Wanderers from Ys [US]